Healthcare Consulting - Buffalo Rochester NY
Healthcare Consulting - Buffalo Rochester NY
Healthcare Consulting - Buffalo Rochester NY
Healthcare Consulting - Buffalo Rochester NY

Accounts Receivable & Cash Collections Assessment

Accounts Receivable & Cash Collections Assessment

We will perform a comprehensive review of aged accounts receivable. This will include selecting a sample of accounts to evaluate effectiveness of current follow up and collection procedures, and identify root cause problems impacting timely collections. We will focus on opportunities to accelerate cash collections and the subsequent reduction of days outstanding in accounts receivable.

Cash Collection Assessment

Our assessment includes the following:

  • Breakdowns in eligibility determination and concurrent review process
  • Delays in the billing and claim submission process
  • Delays in the claim adjudication process
  • Uncollectible accounts receivable
  • System functionality optimization targets
  • Enhancements to accounts receivable management reports and follow up tools