Audit Assurance - Buffalo Rochester NY
Audit Assurance - Buffalo Rochester NY
Audit Assurance - Buffalo Rochester NY
Audit Assurance - Buffalo Rochester NY

Lease Accounting Services

Lease Accounting Services

Whether they are racing to implement the new standards or working to stay in compliance, public, private and governmental entities face an array of complex accounting, policy, technical, and practical issues for compliance with new lease accounting standards, such as:

  • ASC 842 Lease Accounting
  • IFRS 16 Lease Accounting
  • GASB 87 Lease Accounting

New requirements for recognizing obligations related to real estate, equipment and other leased assets on balance sheets mean new methods will be needed to identify leases, collect appropriate data, deploy specialized software, and create new policies and controls.

That’s why many organizations are turning to 3rd parties like Freed Maxick for assistance before deadlines for compliance arrive, during initial phases of implementation, and for ongoing lease management and reporting.

Among the services we provide are:

  • Situation assessment, analysis and recommendations
  • Software reviews, recommendations, configuration
  • Data collection and migration
  • Pre and post implementation internal control design and assessment
  • Implementation and training on new accounting policies, processes and controls
  • Continuing lease management and consulting

Are you looking for lease accounting services, including ASC 842, IFRS 16 and GASB lease accounting? If so, simply fill out the form below or call us at 716.847.2651 for more information.