Research and Development - Buffalo CPA Firm
Research and Development - Buffalo CPA Firm
Research and Development - Buffalo CPA Firm
Research and Development - Buffalo CPA Firm

Tax Services

Research & Development (R&D) Tax Credits

We help companies of all types and sizes assess, document and capture all eligible R&D Tax Credit Opportunities

The R&D Tax Credit is among the valuable incentives in the current tax code. With recent changes made through the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the Credit has quickly become a key part of the tax minimization strategy of many companies.

The Freed Maxick R&D tax credit specialists can assess whether your company is eligible for R&D tax credits for current and prior open tax years, and provide assistance for its capture.

Freed Maxick’s R&D Tax Credit Study

Our R&D tax credit study is a technical assessment of your R&D activities to identify qualifying activities and costs for R&D tax credits. We utilize a phased approach as follows:

Phase I    Scoping the potential for R&D tax credits

Phase II   Detailed analysis and credit calculations

Phase III  Preparation of R&D tax credit report and related tax forms

In the clear majority of cases, we are able to determine the potential for the R&D tax credit after the Phase I scoping effort which requires minimal time and effort on the company’s part. Further, a study can generally be completed in its entirety with minimal disruption and effort required on the part of company personnel involved.

Why Freed Maxick?

We have conducted hundreds of studies in dozens of different industries, and in the process, helped our clients claim hundreds of millions of dollars in R&D Tax Credits. Our experts include accountants, engineers, scientists, industry specialists and highly qualified R&D tax experts.

We have earned a trusted reputation for conducting quick and accurate eligibility assessments, preparation of audit-proof documentation, and preparation and submission of all forms for tax compliance requirements.

Connect with us for a complimentary review of your situation, and for more details and insight on the Credit, visit our Comprehensive Guide.